
Global Services API for the Process primary resource component.


create(exe, run_dir, args, env[, user_name, ...])

Asks Global Services to create a new process.

create_with_argdata(exe, run_dir, args, env)

Asks Global services to create a new process and deliver starting args to it thru messaging.


get_create_message(exe, run_dir, args, env)

Return a GSProcessCreate object.

get_create_message_with_argdata(exe, ...[, ...])

Return a GSProcessCreate object with starting args.


Asks Global Services for a list of the p_uids of all managed processes.


Go through list of processes that have been joined on to isolate non-zero exits


Go through list of processes that have been joined on to isolate successful zero exits

join(identifier[, timeout])

Asks Global Services to join a specified managed process.

kill(identifier[, sig])

Asks Global Services to kill a specified managed process with a specified signal.

multi_join(identifiers[, timeout, join_all, ...])

Asks Global Services to join a list of specified managed processes.



Asks Global Services for the ProcessDescriptor of a specified managed process





An enumeration.



class StreamDestination

An enumeration.

exception ProcessError
get_create_message(exe, run_dir, args, env, user_name='', options=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, group=None, user=None, umask=-1, pipesize=-1, pmi_required=False, policy=None)

Return a GSProcessCreate object.

  • exe – executable to run

  • run_dir – directory to run it in

  • args – argv for the process

  • env – environment for the new process, may be added to for infrastructure

  • user_name – Requested user specified reference name

  • options – ProcessOptions object, what options to apply to creation

  • stdin – If stdin=PIPE, a Dragon Connection will be returned to enable sending data to the stdin of the child process.

  • stdout – Capture stdout from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stdout. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away.

  • stder – Capture stderr from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stderr. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away. Using STDOUT will cause the stderr data to be combined with the stdout data.

  • group – Not used

  • user – Not used

  • umask – Not used

  • pipesize – Set the channel capacity. Default = -1.

  • pmi_required – This process is part of a Dragon managed MPI/PMI application group.

  • policy – If a policy other than the global default is to be used for this process.


GSProcessCreate message object

get_create_message_with_argdata(exe, run_dir, args, env, argdata=None, user_name='', options=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, group=None, user=None, umask=-1, pipesize=-1, pmi_required=False, policy=None)

Return a GSProcessCreate object with starting args.

This is an extension of the ‘get_create_message’ method that encapsulates our scheme for getting starting arguments to the new process. This depends on how big the arguments turn out to be, and is tightly bound with logic in global services and in the api_setup module.

  • exe – executable to run

  • run_dir – directory to run it in

  • args – argv for the process

  • env – environment for the new process, may be added to for infrastructure

  • argdata – bytes to deliver

  • user_name – Requested user specified reference name

  • options – ProcessOptions object, what options to apply to creation

  • stdin – If stdin=PIPE, a Dragon Connection will be returned to enable sending data to the stdin of the child process.

  • stdout – Capture stdout from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stdout. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away.

  • stder – Capture stderr from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stderr. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away. Using STDOUT will cause the stderr data to be combined with the stdout data.

  • group – Not used

  • user – Not used

  • umask – Not used

  • pipesize – Set the channel capacity. Default = -1.

  • pmi_required – This process is part of a Dragon managed MPI/PMI application group.


GSProcessCreate message object

create(exe, run_dir, args, env, user_name='', options=None, soft=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, group=None, user=None, umask=-1, pipesize=-1, pmi_required=False, policy=None)

Asks Global Services to create a new process.

  • exe – executable to run

  • run_dir – directory to run it in

  • args – argv for the process

  • env – environment for the new process, may be added to for infrastructure

  • user_name – Requested user specified reference name

  • options – ProcessOptions object, what options to apply to creation

  • soft – If process already exists with given name, do not create and return descriptor instead.

  • stdin – If stdin=PIPE, a Dragon Connection will be returned to enable sending data to the stdin of the child process.

  • stdout – Capture stdout from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stdout. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away.

  • stder – Capture stderr from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stderr. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away. Using STDOUT will cause the stderr data to be combined with the stdout data.

  • group – Not used

  • user – Not used

  • umask – Not used

  • pipesize – Set the channel capacity. Default = -1.

  • pmi_required – This process is part of a Dragon managed MPI/PMI application group.

  • policy – If a policy other than the global default is to be used for this process.


ProcessDescriptor object

create_with_argdata(exe, run_dir, args, env, argdata=None, user_name='', options=None, soft=False, pmi_required=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, policy=None)

Asks Global services to create a new process and deliver starting args to it thru messaging.

This is an extension of the ‘create’ method that encapsulates our scheme for getting starting arguments to the new process. This depends on how big the arguments turn out to be, and is tightly bound with logic in global services and in the api_setup module.

  • exe – executable to run

  • run_dir – directory to run it in

  • args – argv for the process

  • env – environment for the new process, may be added to for infrastructure

  • argdata – bytes to deliver

  • user_name – Requested user specified reference name

  • options – ProcessOptions object, what options to apply to creation

  • soft – If process already exists with given name, do not create and return descriptor instead.

  • pmi_required – This process is part of a Dragon managed MPI/PMI application group.

  • stdin – If stdin=PIPE, a Dragon Connection will be returned to enable sending data to the stdin of the child process.

  • stdout – Capture stdout from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stdout. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away.

  • stder – Capture stderr from the child process. If using PIPE, a Dragon Connection object will be returned which can be used to read from stderr. Using DEVNULL will cause the stdout data to be thrown away. Using STDOUT will cause the stderr data to be combined with the stdout data.


ProcessDescriptor object


Asks Global Services for a list of the p_uids of all managed processes.

This is the moral equivalent of a very simple unix ‘ps’ for managed processes.

TODO: add some options to this, and to the message itself, to have a finer control over which processes you get back.


list of the p_uids of all processes, alive and dead


Asks Global Services for the ProcessDescriptor of a specified managed process

Note you can query processes that have already exited; this is how one can find out the process’s exit code.


identifier – string indicating process name or integer indicating a p_uid


ProcessDescriptor object corresponding to specified managed process


ProcessError if there is no such process

kill(identifier, sig=Signals.SIGKILL)

Asks Global Services to kill a specified managed process with a specified signal.

Note that this is like the unix ‘kill’ command - the signal given to the process might not necessarily be intended to cause it to terminate.

  • identifier – string indicating process name or integer indicating a p_uid

  • sig – signal to use to kill the process, default=signal.SIGKILL


Nothing if successful


ProcessError if there is no such process, or if the process has not yet started.

join(identifier, timeout=None)

Asks Global Services to join a specified managed process.

Returns when the process has exited.

  • identifier – string indicating process name or integer indicating a p_uid

  • timeout – Timeout in seconds for max time to wait. None = default, infinite wait


The unix exit code from the process, or None if there is a timeout.


ProcessError if there is no such process or some other error has occurred.

get_multi_join_success_puids(statuses: Dict[str, List[int]]) Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], bool]

Go through list of processes that have been joined on to isolate successful zero exits


statuses (Dict[str, List[int, int]]) – Dict of puid keys pointing to error status and exit codes of multi_join function


List comprised of puids and exit code tuples, if exit code was zero. And whether there was a timeout

Return type

Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], bool]

get_multi_join_failure_puids(statuses: Dict[str, List[int]]) Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], bool]

Go through list of processes that have been joined on to isolate non-zero exits


statuses (Dict[str, List[int, int]]) – Dict of puid keys pointing to error status and exit codes of multi_join function


Tuple made up of List comprised of puids and exit code tuples, if exit was no-zero. And whether there was a timeout

Return type

Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], bool]

multi_join(identifiers: List[int], timeout: Optional[bool] = None, join_all: bool = False, return_on_bad_exit: bool = False) Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], Dict]

Asks Global Services to join a list of specified managed processes.

If join_all is False, it returns when ‘any’ process has exited or there is a timeout. If join_all is True, it returns when ‘all’ processes have exited or there is a timeout.

  • identifiers (List[int, str]) – list of process identifiers indicating p_uid (int) or process name (string)

  • timeout (bool, optional) – Timeout in seconds for max time to wait. defaults to None, infinite wait

  • join_all (bool, optional) – indicates whether we need to wait on all processes in the list or not, defaults to False

  • return_on_bad_exit (bool, optional) – If join_all is True, multi_join will still return if there was a non-zero exit, defaults to False


If join_all is False, return a list of tuples (p_uid, unix_exit_code) for any processes exited, or None if none exited and there is a timeout, along with a dictionary with the status of each process. If join_all is True, return a list of tuples (p_uid, unix_exit_code) when all processes exited, or None if none exited and there is a timeout or some exited and some errored/timed out, along with a dictionary with the status of each process.