Distributed Dictionary

The Dragon Distributed Dictionary implements a data distributed key-value store that spans multiple nodes of a distributed program’s allocation. This makes it possible to create large key-value stores, larger than could be stored in memory on one node. It also distributes access to the key-value store so that there is no bottlekneck in accessing or storing values. Access to the store is distributed according to an evenly distributed hashing algorithm, thus statististically spreading the data evenly over all the nodes of the store.


A design requirement is for the distributed dictionary to scale to 10,000 managers and 100,000 clients. Any centralized focal point is going to be a bottleneck for a design that must scale to these sizes. The design presented here reflects that need by minimizing the overhead of clients attaching and detaching from the distributed dictionary.

To implement the key-value store there are three entities that are named:

  • Clients access the key-value store primarily using get and put operations though other operations are also defined.

  • An Orchestrator provides coordination services and orchestrates startup, teardown, and client attaching and detaching activities.

  • Managers provide access to data that is stored within their shard of the key-value store, generally handling the interaction between clients and data stored within a manager’s shard.


Fig. 26 Conceptual View of a Distributed Dictionary

Clients connect with managers based on the hashed values of the keys they are either looking up or the key-value pairs they are storing. The orchestrator starts the managers and is responsible for negotiating the connections between clients and managers. The orchestrator is also responsible for tearing down a distributed dictionary. The following sections cover the interactions between the components in detail depicting the messaging that is exchanged between them during lifetime management and operation of the key-value store.

Listing 40 User-defined Manager Selection
 1class MyKey:
 2    import cloudpickle
 4    def __init__(self, key_value):
 5        self._key_value = key_value
 7    def __hash__(self):
 8        # hash_fun can be user-defined in whatever way
 9        # makes the best selection. It might, for instance,
10        # return the index of the manager you wish to target.
11        return hash_fun(self._key_value)
13    def __getstate__(self):
14        return cloudpickle.dumps(self._key_value)

Normally the key value is hashed using a simple byte hashing algorithm which is callable from C, C++, and Python. From Python the key is serialized first, then a hash value is determined which finally determines which manager will hold a stored key-value pair. The distribution of that byte level hashing function is relied on to distribute the data amongst the managers in a statistically even manner.

Some applications may wish to have finer control over the placement of data in the distributed dictionary. For instance, in some applications it might be that data could be placed on the same node as clients which will write and read the data. In cases like this it is possible to define a class with its own hash function which can be used to determine which manager is selected. Once selected, the manager itself will still use the low-level byte hashing function itself, but selection of a manager can be determined by provding an appropriate class with its own hash function as shown in Listing 40. The getstate function is called when the key is serialized and the definition provided in the sample code simply strips off the extra MyKey definition and results in serializing the original key value.

Prominently in the Fig. 26 are the use of FLIs (i.e. File Like Interfaces). FLIs enable safe 1:1 conversations between a sender and a receiver. FLIs are configurable to allow safe 1:1 streaming conversations as well where the sender may stream content to a receiver over multiple messages. FLIs and streaming FLIs are used extensively in the design of the distributed dictionary and some familiarity with the FLI API is assumed. Each component has two FLIs as shown in the figure. In general a main FLI is used to service new incoming requests and a response FLI is used to handle responses to requests made by a component. In the case of a client, two response FLIs are created to handle streaming and non-streaming responses.

Every FLI is created of some set of channels. Each component within the distributed dictionary is responsible for creating its own FLIs and channels. The required channels are created using a new API, supported by Dragon Local Services on the node where a component is located. The new API, a class method named make_process_local is callable via the Channels API.

When a distributed dictionary is created by a client, the API first creates an Orchestrator which is told details about the size and configuration of the distributed dictionary being created. The orchestrator starts by creating two FLI interfaces, its main FLI and its response FLI. It publishes its main FLI to the client that created it by printing the serialized descriptor to the FLI to standard out of the Orchestrator.

The Orchestrator creates the specified number of Managers, providing each with the orchestrator response FLI and its main FLI. The orchestrator receives registration requests by each manager and responds to each manager on the manager’s resposne FLI.


CAVEAT - Checkpointing is not presently implemented. This section is presently a design document.

When using a distributed dictionary it may be desirable to checkpoint operations within the dictionary. Checkpointing is designed to minimize the interaction between clients and managers to allow for scaling the dictionary to the sizes needed to support large-scale supercomputing.

In addition to checkpointing computation, persisting a checkpoint to disk is also introduced, which is likely needed at scale. This is covered in more detail in the next section.

To implement checkpointing we want to avoid a global synchronization point to achieve the maximum amount of parallelization and minimum impact to processes. This means we need a protocol that allows some processes to work with data from a new checkpoint while others continue to work with an older copy. Inherent in this design is that all processes work on data that changes over time and there are discrete moments where the data is updated.

To implement checkpointing for these kinds of applications we introduce the concept of a working set. A working set is a set of checkpoints that all reside in memory at a given moment of time.

The algorithm introduces a checkpoint id. This id starts at 0 when a distributed dictionary is created. It is a 64-bit unsigned which can wrap around (but probably won’t). When a client wants to checkpoint it will invoke its checkpoint function which will simply increment the checkpoint id modulo the maximum 64-bit value (it will automatically wrap in C/C++, but will be added mod the max 64-bit size in Python). No interaction with the managers or orchestrator is necessary when a client checkpoints.

Another goal of checkpointing is to keep from copying data unnecessarily. All distributed dictionary client operations will include their checkpoint id. Creation, Read, and Write operations will proceed as follows in the subheadings below.

When a checkpointing distributed dictionary is created, it may be told to persist for every persist_freq number of checkpoints. When persisted, an argument, persist_base will provide the base filename. A unique filename for the checkpoint id and the particular manager id is constructed and used when persisting a checkpoint.

Dictionary Creation

Internally to each manager, one dictionary per checkpoint copy in the working set is maintained. For our purposes we’ll call each working set item a checkpoint. A checkpoint is a local, internal Python dictionary inside the manager. A manager manages one shard of the distributed data and one checkpoint corresponds to one internal dictionary that keeps track of the key/value pairs that were modified during that checkpoint lifetime.

When a dictionary is created, one pool is created which is big enough to hold all the working set of the distributed dictionary. By doing this, no copying of values is necessary between working sets. Working sets are maintained entirely by the internal manager dictionaries that manage the keys and values.


Fig. 27 Detailed View of Manager

The internal dictionaries are maintained in a map of the working set, called working_set as pictured in Fig. 27. A map (i.e. another internal dictionary) called working_set, maps the checkpoint number to a tuple of the deleted keys and the checkpoint’s working dictionary. Initially the checkpoint id is 0 for all clients and each dictionary in the working_set of each manager is empty. The working set contains dictionaries for 0, 1, 2, on up to the working_set_size to begin.

For each working set member (i.e. checkpoint), except the oldest, there is a deleted_keys set. This is a set of all keys that were deleted for a given checkpoint id. If a new value is stored in the working set for a checkpoint id level, then the key is removed from the deleted_keys set. The deleted_keys set is added to when a key is deleted from a checkpoint, but it exists at an older checkpoint. Otherwise, the key is just deleted from the checkpoint in which it exists.

Listing 41 Creating a Distributed Dictionary
1d = DDict(managers_per_node=None, num_nodes=None, total_mem=None, working_set_size=1,
2        wait_for_keys=False, wait_for_writers=False, policy=None, persist_freq=None,
3        persist_base_name=None, timeout=None)

Listing 41 shows the signature for creating a distributed dictionary. When creating a distributed dictionary it is possible to specify the number of managers and number of nodes on which the distributed dictionary will be deployed. It is also possible to determine in more detail, for example on which nodes, a distributed dictionary will be deployed by providing a policy on the policy argument. The working set size may be specified as described above. A working set size of one means that no checkpointing will occur. A size of two or more allows checkpointing. Creating a working set size of more than two enables additional distributed parallelism by allowing clients to operate more independently.

In certain use cases it may be that there are a set of keys that should not persist between checkpoints AND that all keys written into one checkpoint should be written into all checkpoints. To get this behavior, the wait_for_keys argument should be set to True. In this case, it will be desirable to wait for all such keys to be written. In this case, keys that are written as d[key] = value will be assumed to be part of this set of keys. A second method of storing key/value pairs by writing d.pput(key, value) will result in writing a key/value that persists across checkpoints (i.e. persistent put) and will not be a part of the set of keys that are waited upon.

Waiting for keys means that a client that does a read or write for a checkpoint that currently does not exist in the working set (i.e. beyond the end of the working set) will block until all the keys in the retiring checkpoint have been written and all clients have moved on to new checkpoints.

With this mode of operation, readers of key/values in a checkpoint will also block if the key is not yet available. Once available, the reader will get the value and continue with execution.

All blocking operations are subject to a timeout. A timeout of None indicates to the distributed dictionary that clients want to wait forever for their requests to be satisfied. Specifying timeout values is application specific, but providing a timeout is a good idea. When creating a dictionary, the timeout that is specified is propagated to the orchestrator and through it to all managers as well providing a global timeout to the entire distributed dictionary and all operations that should be subject to a timeout. A default value of 10 seconds is provided, but this may be overridden by providing a timeout when the dictionary is constructed.

A less restrictive option is to set wait_for_writers to True when creating the distributed dictionary. In this case, all keys persist in the distributed dictionary across checkpoints, but all writers must have advanced their checkpoint before a checkpoint can be retired. It is assumed in this mode that writers that have written to the dictionary in the past will also be writing the same keys in the future. In this case then the distributed dictionary manager can monitor all writers and require that they have moved on from a checkpoint before retiring an older one.

Under the wait_for_writers requirements, a writer requesting to move on from a checkpoint will wait (i.e. block) if there are other writers that are still writing at a checkpoint that would be retired. If a reader moves on to new checkpoints, then it would continue, unblocked since keys persist across checkpoints and reader that are reading at a newer checkpoint can still see key/value pairs written in the past.

These subtle differences in blocking and distributed dictionary behavior should be carefully considered when writing an application. They provide different behavior and synchronization opportunities.

The persist_freq refers to a frequency that the distributed dictionary should be persisted. It will be persisted as checkpoints are retired. The frequency refers to how often a retiring checkpoint should be persisted. The persist_base_name is used to determine the name of the persisted state. The manager_id of the manager is appended to the base name followed by the checkpoint id of the persisted state.

Retiring and Persisting Checkpoints

A checkpoint that will no longer be in the working set is removed from the working set and retired. This is done with little to no impact on the processes that are using the dictionary. When the checkpoint is about to be retired a few checks are made depending on the options that were selected when the dictionary was created.

Checkpoints are retired when a client attempts to write into a new checkpoint that has not been set up yet. In that case, the oldest checkpoint is retired and a new checkpoint is created.

If wait_for_keys was chosen when the dictionary was created, then all non-persisting keys in the retiring checkpoint must exist in the next newer checkpoint. If they do not, then the request to move to a new checkpoint will be enqueued until later on an internal queue of requests to be processed later. Under this option, even reads of non-persisting keys will be queued if the newer checkpoint id does not exist. Any operations that attempt to get the state for a newer checkpoint that depends on the keys of the newer checkpoint will also be enqueued until the newer checkpoint exists.

If wait_for_keys was chosen when the dictionary was created, then the retiring checkpoint keys that are in the set of keys to persist are deep copied to the next newer checkpoint unless the next newer checkpoint has the key in its deleted_keys set or the key is already present in the newer checkpoint.

If wait_for_writers was chosen when the dictionary was created, then all writers into a checkpoint must have advanced to a checkpoint id greater than the one to be retired before the checkpoint can be retired. If all writers have not advanced, then the request to move to a new checkpoint will be queued internally until it can be processed.

If wait_for_keys was not specified on creation of the dictionary, then all keys are treated as persisting keys when checkpoints are retired.

If the retiring checkpoint is to be persisted, then all key/value pairs in the retiring checkpoint are written to persistent storage. The retiring checkpoint’s internal dictionary is handed over to a process to persist the values to disk. As it does so, the key/value pairs are deleted from the pool of the manager, thereby releasing those resources. The persisting of the data can occur completely independent of client interactions with the distributed dictionary. There are no shared data resources except the pool which is already multi-thread and multi-process safe. Otherwise there are no shared resources.

One possible design for persisting to disk is to form DDPut messages (or another capnp message) for each key/value pair in the pool and write them to a file descriptor which represents a file opened by the manager. The captain proto library supports writing to a file descriptor and we have a message already that contains the checkpoint number, the key, and the value. When recovery was initiated, a process could open the file, read the messages, and route the messages right into the manager to restore it to that point in time.


Fig. 28 Working Set

Consider the working set given in Fig. 28 for a dictionary with all persistent keys. The figure shows that checkpoint 0, 1, 2, and 3 are in the working set. During checkpoints 0, 1, and 3 the key key1 was written into the distributed dictionary. During checkpoint 2 a keyA was written into the dictionary. During checkpoint 1 the keyB was written into the dictionary. But during checkpoint 2 keyB was deleted from the dictionary.

Now, if a client comes along that’s got checkpoint 3 as its checkpoint id, and looks up keyB it will not be found. However if another client currently at checkpoint 1 comes along, it will discover keyB in the dictionary. For any key the corresponding value also exists.

The pool can hold duplicates of keys and values. The pool has no restrictions on what can be stored within it. Each dictionary at each checkpoint is a separate dictionary so the keys and values stored at each checkpoint are completely independent of what is stored at other checkpoints.

Assuming that the working set size of this dictionary is 4, then when a new checkpoint comes along it will result in checkpoint 0 being retired. Since key1 exists at checkpoint 2, the key1 from checkpoint 0 is simply deleted from the pool and the dictionary is replaced by a new empty dictionary for checkpoint 4.

Given the current state in Fig. 28 a call to get the length of the dictionary would result in finding 2 keys, key1 and keyA. This can be found by constructing a temporary set of keys. Starting with the keys of checkpoint 0, add all the keys of checkpoint 1, then delete all deleted keys of checkpoint 1. Add in all keys of checkpoint 2 and then delete all deleted keys from the temporary set. Repeat this process for all checkpoint levels in the working set. Then take the length of the computed temporary set and that gives you the length of the dictionary, i.e. the number of keys active at any point in time. Similarly, a call to find all keys at a particular checkpoint level can be found using this algorithm.

Read Operations

Read operations include get operations but also all operations that examine the state of the distributed dictionary. A read operation includes the checkpoint index. Here is how it proceeds:

  • Client sends get operation to correct manager with checkpoint id, chkpt_id.

  • If the chckpt_id is older than any checkpoint id in the working set, the oldest checkpoint copy will be examined since that contains the base copy. If wait_for_keys was specified and a reader tries to read a non-persisting key older than the working set, the read is rejected.

  • If the chckpt_id is newer than any other checkpoint id in the working set, then no worries. We use the newest chkpt_id we have in the working set in that case unless wait_for_keys was specified and this is a non-persisting key. In that case, the reader’s request is queued internally until it can be processed.

  • Manager receives the message and examines the working_set[checkpoint_map[chkpt_id]] dictionary for the key. If the value is found, great! Return it.

  • If the key is found in the set of deleted keys for a checkpoint then return that it was not found.

  • If the key being looked up is not found and the key is a persisting key (i.e. because wait_for_keys was requested), then examine the next older checkpoint in the working set by looking at the checkpoint dictionary and also looking at the deleted_keys set. Keep repeating this until the working set is exhausted or until the key is found. Once the key is found, return its value or return not found depending on where the key was found.

  • If the key being looked up is not found and is not in the set of persisting keys (i.e. and wait_for_keys was requested) then queue up the request internally until it can be satisfied.

  • If the working set is exhausted, then report that the key was not found.

For operations where you are given a key, like contains for instance, the algorithm is similar to the one above.

For operations that need global state (like the length operation), you can do set operations to form the correct state information. For instance for length, you would take the union of all the keys in the working set subtracting out the set of deleted keys. This will give you the total length of the dictionary. This is best computed from oldest to newest.

Write Operations

There are two types of write/put operations: one for persistent keys and one for non-persisting keys. When wait_for_keys is True then DDPut is for non-persisting keys, otherwise it stores persisting keys. The DDPPut is the persistent put operation. Exactly what occurs on a put is different for persistent and non-persistent puts.

On persistent puts, steps proceed as follows:

Puts (and deletes) into the distributed dictionary come to a manager. Each put operation now includes a chkpt_id that identifies which checkpoint it is written into. If the chckpt_id does not exist in the working set of the manager, the working set is rotated until it does. Rotating is described in the earlier Retiring and Persisting Checkpoints heading.

A put operation then creates a new entry for the current checkpoint if the key does not already exist in the indicated checkpoint and updates the value if the key already does exist in the current checkpoint.

If the key is deleted it is removed from the checkpoint dictionary if it exists and if the key exists in an older checkpoint, then it is also added to the set of deleted_keys for the checkpoint.

If a put or delete is targeting a checkpoint that no longer exists in the working set then it updates the oldest copy.

For non-persistent puts, the checkpoint id must be in the working set or newer. If it is older than the working set then the put operation is rejected. If it is newer than all checkpoints in the working set, then the oldest checkpoint is examined and if it does not contain all the non-persisting keys of the next newer checkpoint, then the put request is internally queued up for later processing.

Message Flow Between Components

The following sections illustrate the flow of messages between components of the distributed dictionary. All messages are hidden behind the distributed dictionary API. These are internal details of the implementation.

Bringup, Attach, Detach

Creating a distributed dictionary involves a Python client providing information about how many managers, the number of nodes, the total amount of memory, and a policy for where to place managers. The following diagram provides the details of interactions between components for distributed dictionary bringup. Message definitions appear in the aptly named section below. There are a few notes here about this flow.

  • The client/manager attach flow (see the diagram) is not necessary when a client has sent the DDRegisterClient to a manager. In other words, the DDRegisterClient does all the work of the DDRegisterClientID* message when it is sent to a manager so it does not need to be repeated.

  • Not pictured in the diagram, the Orchestrator supports the DDGetRandomManager message and respond to it since some clients may have been started on a node without a manager. When that occurs the client will receive a Not Found response to the SHGetKV message. In that case the client should fall back to sending the DDGetRandomManager message to the Orchestrator

  • Each Manager and the Orchestrator are assigned a range of client IDs to assign. The Managers get 100,000 each based on the manager ID and starting at 0. The Orchestrator gets the rest. In this way no two clients will get the same client ID. Necessarily, client IDs will not be sequentially allocated across all nodes.


Fig. 29 The Distributed Dictionary Bringup, Attach, Detach Sequence Diagram


Bringing down a distributed dictionary is initiated by one client. Other clients should already be aware the dictionary is being destroyed. If not, they will begin to get errors when interacting with the dictionary since channels will no longer exist.


Fig. 30 The Distributed Dictionary Teardown Sequence Diagram

Put and Get Interaction

Puts and gets are initiated by client programs. The key is hashed by the client program’s put or get API call and divided by the number of managers to obtain the integer remainder (modulo operator) value. That value picks which manager is responsible for the put or get operation for the given key. It is imperative that all clients use the same hashing function and that all managers are in the same order for all clients.

Put and get operations are designed to minimize the number of copies of data that are made when they are performed. By having each manager create their own FLI stream channels, keys and values sent to the manager are automatically allocated from the manager’s pool since allocations sent to a channel use the same channel’s pool by default within the dragon api.

Internally to managers they see only managed memory allocations. Each key is one allocation. Values are streamed to the manager through the file-like interface, so values are typically a sequence of managed memory allocations. The internal dictionary of each manager is a map from a managed memory allocation to a list of managed memory allocations.


Fig. 31 The Distributed Dictionary Put Sequence Diagram

Likewise, as shown in Fig. 32 the value is streamed back to the client on a get operation. Closing the send handle results in the EOT being transmitted. The client simply reads values for multi-part values until EOT is signaled. In the low-level interface this surfaces as DRAGON_EOT return code. In Python it is signalled by an EOFError exception.


Fig. 32 The Distributed Dictionary Get Sequence Diagram



Fig. 33 The Distributed Dictionary Pop Sequence Diagram



Fig. 34 The Distributed Dictionary Contains Sequence Diagram



Fig. 35 The Distributed Dictionary Get Length Sequence Diagram



Fig. 36 The Distributed Dictionary Get Length Sequence Diagram

Get All Keys


Fig. 37 The Distributed Dictionary Get Length Sequence Diagram

Python Reference


The Distributed Dictionary is a performant and distributed key-value store that is available to applications and workflows written for the Dragon ecosystem.


The Distributed Dictionary is a performant and distributed key-value store that is available to applications and workflows written for the Dragon ecosystem.


The Distributed Dictionary is a performant and distributed key-value store that is available to applications and workflows written for the Dragon ecosystem.

C Reference


The distributed dictionary C client description.


Here is some sample code for creating an FLI using only the C interface. This example code was taken from the test/channel_subtests/test_fli.c program. Note that for this to be useful production code, resources should be created using a means of guaranteeing unique CUIDs for channels and if needed, unique MUIDs for pools. For instance, you might use the dragon_create_process_local_channel API call to create guaranteed unique CUIDs for you channels.

Listing 42 Using the Distributed Dictionary C Client
 1#include <dragon/channels.h>
 2#include <dragon/fli.h>
 4#define M_UID 0
 5#define POOL_M_UID 2
 6#define POOL "fli_test"
 7#define NUM_CHANNELS 10
 8#define MAX_STREAM_SIZE 500
10dragonError_t create_pool(dragonMemoryPoolDescr_t* mpool) {
11    /* Create a memory pool to allocate messages and a Channel out of */
12    size_t mem_size = 1UL<<31;
14    dragonError_t err = dragon_memory_pool_create(mpool, mem_size, POOL, POOL_M_UID, NULL);
15    if (err != DRAGON_SUCCESS)
16        err_fail(err, "Failed to create memory pool");
18    return DRAGON_SUCCESS;
21dragonError_t create_channels(dragonMemoryPoolDescr_t* mpool, dragonChannelDescr_t channel[], int arr_size) {
22    int k;
23    dragonError_t err;
25    for (k=0;k<arr_size;k++) {
26        /* Create the Channel in the memory pool */
27        err = dragon_channel_create(&channel[k], k, mpool, NULL);
28        if (err != DRAGON_SUCCESS)
29            err_fail(err, "Failed to create a channel");
30    }
32    return DRAGON_SUCCESS;
36int main() {
37    dragonError_t err;
38    dragonMemoryPoolDescr_t pool;
39    dragonChannelDescr_t channels[NUM_CHANNELS];
40    dragonChannelDescr_t* channel_ptrs[NUM_CHANNELS];
41    dragonFLIDescr_t fli;
42    dragonFLISerial_t ser;
44    /* Creating the channel set and the pool */
45    for (int k=0;k<NUM_CHANNELS;k++)
46        channel_ptrs[k] = &channels[k];
48    /* Always check error codes - omitted for brevity */
49    err = create_pool(&pool);
50    err = create_channels(&pool, channels, NUM_CHANNELS);
51    err = dragon_fli_create(&fli, channel_ptrs[0], channel_ptrs[1], &pool, NUM_CHANNELS-2, &channel_ptrs[2], false, NULL);
52    err = dragon_fli_serialize(&fli, &ser);
54    /* The serialized fli named ser can then be base64 encoded and shared
55       with other processes where it can then be base64 decoded
56       and attached to other processes within the dragon run-time. */
58    ...


struct dragonDDictDescr_t
#include <ddict.h>

An opaque DDict descriptor object.

When a using a distributed dictionary from C, this serves as the handle to the dictionary. Attaching to a distributed dictionary intializes a dragonDDictDescr_t.

struct dragonDDictRequestDescr_t
#include <ddict.h>

An opaque handle to a request object.

This is used when doing any interaction with the distributed dictionary. Operations on the dictionary may involve multiple call, such as a put or a get operation, and this request descriptor helps maintain the state of the request and response to this request.

struct dragonDDictSerial_t
#include <ddict.h>

A serialized DDict object.

A serialized DDict object can be passed to other processes which can then attach to the object. Attaching initializes a dragonDDictDescr_t handle to the distributed dictionary.

Public Members

size_t len

The length of the serialized descriptor in bytes.

Lifecycle Management

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_serialize(const dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, dragonDDictSerial_t *serial)

Serialize a DDict object for sharing with another process. When sharing an DDict object with another process you may use this function to create a shareable serialized descriptor. This creates a binary string which may not be ASCII compliant. Before sharing, if ASCII compliance is required, call a base64 encoder like the dragon_base64_encode found in dragon/utils.h before sharing and dragon_base64_decode before attaching from the other process.

NOTE: You must call dragon_ddict_serial_free to free a serialized descriptor after calling this function to free the extra space allocated by this function once you are done with the serialized descriptor.

  • obj – is a valid DDict descriptor that has previously been created or attached.

  • serial – is a serialized descriptor that will be initialized with the correct byte count and serialized bytes for so it can be passed to another process.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_serial_free(dragonDDictSerial_t *serial)

Free the internal resources of a serialized DDict descriptor.

This frees internal structures of a serialized DDict descriptor. It does not destroy the DDict object itself.


serial – is a serialized DDict descriptor.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_attach_b64(char *b64_str, dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, const timespec_t *timeout)

Attach to an DDict object using a base 64 encoded string.

Calling this attaches to a DDict object by using a base 64 encoded serialized DDict descriptor that was passed to this process. The serialized DDict descriptor must have been created by base 64 encoding a serialized DDict descriptor.

NOTES: This does the base64 decode and then calls the normal attach function.

  • b64_str – is a pointer to the serialized base 64 encoded string.

  • obj – is a pointer to an DDict descriptor that will be initialized by this call.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_attach(const dragonDDictSerial_t *serial, dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, const timespec_t *timeout)

Attach to an DDict object.

Calling this attaches to a DDict object by using a serialized DDict descriptor that was passed to this process. The serialized DDict descriptor must have been created using the dragon_ddict_serialize function.

  • serial – is a pointer to the serialized DDict descriptor.

  • obj – is a pointer to an DDict descriptor that will be initialized by this call.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_detach(dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, const timespec_t *timeout)

Detach from a DDict object.

All internal, process local resources are freed by making this call.

  • obj – is a descriptor and opaque handle to the DDict object.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_destroy(dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, const timespec_t *timeout)

Destroy a DDict object.

The distributed dictionary is destroyed including the orchestrator, all managers, and their associated flis and channels.

  • obj – is a descriptor and opaque handle to the DDict object.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

Request Management

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_create_request(dragonDDictDescr_t *obj, dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req)

Create a request descriptor for sending a request to the distributed dictionary and waiting for a response.

All internal state of the connection to the distributed dictionary is maintained by this request object. Details of particular operations may be stored in the private data structure for this object but are not accessible directly by the user. The user uses associated API calls that use this object. Not every request requires a request object. Requests that are accomplished by one API call are not dependent on a request object. When a request object is required it will be evident in the API.

  • obj – is a pointer to an initialized distributed dicationary descriptor.

  • req – is a pointer to a request object that will be initialized by this call.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_finalize_request(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, const timespec_t *timeout)

This finalizes a request by completing any operation that was still pending for this request. When a request object is required it will be indicated in the API.

  • req – is a valid request object.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

Send/Recv Functions

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_write_bytes(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, size_t num_bytes, uint8_t *bytes, const timespec_t *timeout)

Use this to write either key or value data to the distributed dictionary.

The client may call this multiple times to put the parts of a key or value to the distributed dictionary. Internally, all key writes are buffered so the key can then be used to determine where the data is to be placed in the distributed dictionary. All value writes are streamed immediately to the distributed dictionary. All Key writes must come first for a request, followed by value writes. Key writes are terminated by an API call to the actual operation that requires a key as part of its request. Value writes, for a put, follow the API call for the operation until the request is finalized. All clients use the same selection algorithm for data placement so data put by one client can be found by all other clients.

  • req – is an initialized request object.

  • num_bytes – is the number of bytes on this put request. There may be additional bytes sent using this call as well.

  • bytes – is a pointer to a byte array (continguous bytes) with num_bytes size.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_read_bytes(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, size_t requested_size, size_t *received_size, uint8_t **bytes, const timespec_t *timeout)

Calling this waits to receive streamed data from a distributed dictionary manager. If all data has been read, then DRAGON_EOT will be returned as the return code. This should be called after a get operation has been performed by calling dragon_ddict_get. Note that before calling the get operation, the key should have been written using the dragon_ddict_write_bytes operation.

  • req – is a valid request object that has been used to initiate reading data from the distributed dictionary. For example, a key should have been written and dragon_ddict_get should have been called.

  • requested_size – is the number of requested bytes. The actual size will be equal to or less than the requested_size.

  • received_size – is a pointer to the number of bytes that have been read on the call (assuming DRAGON_SUCCESS was returned).

  • bytes – is a pointer pointer that will be initialized to the bytes that were read. The space is malloc’ed and should be freed by the user once the data has been processed.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_read_bytes_into(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, size_t requested_size, size_t *received_size, uint8_t *bytes, const timespec_t *timeout)

Receive streamed data.

Calling this waits to receive streamed data from a distributed dictionary manager. If all data has been read, then DRAGON_EOT will be returned as the return code. This should be called after a get operation has been performed by calling dragon_ddict_get. Note that before calling the get operation, the key should have been written using the dragon_ddict_write_bytes operation.

  • req – is a valid request object that has been used to initiate reading data from the distributed dictionary. For example, a key should have been written and dragon_ddict_get should have been called.

  • requested_size – is the number of requested bytes. The actual size will be equal to or less than the requested_size.

  • received_size – is a pointer to the number of bytes that have been read on the call (assuming DRAGON_SUCCESS was returned).

  • bytes – is a pointer to valid space where the data should be placed. It must be at least requested_size in size.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_read_mem(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, dragonMemoryDescr_t *mem)

Receive streamed data.

Calling this waits to receive streamed data from a distributed dictionary manager but instead of copying it into malloced memory, returns the underlying managed memory object to the user. If all data has been read, then DRAGON_EOT will be returned as the return code. This should be called after a get operation has been performed by calling dragon_ddict_get. Note that before calling the get operation, the key should have been written using the dragon_ddict_write_bytes operation.

  • req – is a valid request object that has been used to initiate reading data from the distributed dictionary. For example, a key should have been written and dragon_ddict_get should have been called.

  • mem – is a managed memory allocation containing the packet of streamed data. The size of the memory allocation is available as part of the object and the managed memory API provides a means to get a pointer to the data. The managed memory allocation should be freed using the managed memory API once it is no longer needed.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

Dictionary Operations

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_contains(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req)

Check to see if key exists in ddict.

  • req – is a valid request object that has been used to initiate reading data from the distributed dictionary. For example, a key should have been written and dragon_ddict_get should have been called.

  • requested_size – is the number of requested bytes. The actual size will be equal to or less than the requested_size.

  • received_size – is a pointer to the number of bytes that have been read on the call (assuming DRAGON_SUCCESS was returned).

  • bytes – must be a valid pointer to space that will be initialized to the bytes that were read.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_get(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, const timespec_t *timeout)

Calling this tells the ddict client to take the key already written via the dragon_ddict_write_bytes call(s) to be posted to the correct manager and wait for a response.

  • req – is a valid created request object. It must have already had a key written to it via the dragon_ddict_write_bytes call.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.

dragonError_t dragon_ddict_put(dragonDDictRequestDescr_t *req, const timespec_t *timeout)

Calling this tells the ddict client to take the key already written via the dragon_ddict_write_bytes call(s) to be posted to the correct manager. The key must be written before calling put. All writes to this request, following the call to this function are written to the correct manager as the value for the put on the distributed dictionary manager.

  • req – is a valid created request object. It must have already had a key written to it via the dragon_ddict_write_bytes call.

  • timeout – is a pointer to a timeout structure. If NULL, then wait indefinitely. Otherwise, wait for the specified amount of time for the operation to complete.


DRAGON_SUCCESS or a return code to indicate what problem occurred.


  1. DDGetRandomManager

    type enum



    Client request a main manager from Orchestrator. This is for off-node bringup for a client.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized response fli.

    see also

    DDGetRandomManagerResponse, DDRegisterClient, DDConnectToManager

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  2. DDGetRandomManagerResponse

    type enum



    Orchestrator return fli of a main manager for clients to request connection to other managers.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized main fli of the manager.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  3. DDRegisterClient

    type enum



    Obtain unique client id from main manager and register client id to main manager.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized fli for response.

    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized fli for buffered response.

    see also

    DDRegisterClientResponse, DDRegisterClientID

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  4. DDRegisterClientResponse

    type enum



    Provide the unique client id and number of managers.


    • uint32

    • unique for this client.

    • uint32

    • number of managers in the dictionary.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  5. DDRegisterManager

    type enum



    Manager registers with Orchestrator and get a list of managers from Orchestrator.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized fli for the response to this request.

    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized fli for the main channel for the manager.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  6. DDRegisterManagerResponse

    type enum



    Provide the acknowledgement that the manager is registered and a list of managers. This serves as a synchronization point for client/manager interaction. Clients can request other manager’s fli from the main manager assigned to them.


    • uint32

    • unique for this manager.

    • list

    • a list of b64 encoded serialized flis for the main channels of all managers.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  7. DDConnectToManager

    type enum



    Obtain the manager mainFLI from the main manager so a client can attach to the manager.


    • uint32

    • unique client id assigned by main manager.

    • uint32

    • the ID of the manager that client requests to connect to.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  8. DDConnectToManagerResponse

    type enum



    return the mainFLI of the manager whose ID was provided on the request.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized fli for the main channel for the manager.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  9. DDRegisterClientID

    type enum



    Register the client ID and associated client response fli with a manager so the response fli does not need to be included in future messages and client ID can be used instead.


    • uint32

    • unique client id assigned by main manager.

    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized response fli for client requests.

    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized response fli for client requests.

    see also

    DDRegisterClientIDResponse, DDRegisterClient

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  10. DDRegisterClientIDResponse

    type enum



    Provide the acknowledgement that the client is registered with the manager. This serves as a synchronization point for client/manager interaction.


    None other than the err field which will hold a dragon return code.

    see also

    DDRegisterClientID, DDRegisterClient

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  11. DDDestroy

    type enum



    Sent by a client to the orchestrator to destroy the distributed dictionary.


    • uint32

    • The client id of the requesting client.

    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized response fli.

    see also

    DDDestroyResponse, DDDestroyManager

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  12. DDDestroyResponse

    type enum



    Provide the acknowledgement that the distributed dictionary destruction has completed.


    None other than the err field which will hold a dragon return code.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  13. DDDestroyManager

    type enum



    Sent by the orchestrator to destroy a distributed manager.


    • string

    • b64 encoded serialized response fli.

    see also

    DDDestroyManagerResponse, DDDestroy

    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  14. DDDestroyManagerResponse

    type enum



    Provide the acknowledgement that the distributed dictionary manager destruction has completed.


    None other than the err field which will hold a dragon return code.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  15. DDPut

    type enum



    Sent by a client to put a key/value pair into the distributed dictionary. It is sent to a particular manager which is chosen by pre-hashing the key and dividing modulo the number of managers.


    • uint32

    • The client id of the requesting client.

    • uint64

    • The checkpoint identifier for this operation.

    NOTE The key and value are written separately from the message using the fli api.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  16. DDPutResponse

    type enum



    Provide the acknowledgement that the distributed dictionary manager that the put has completed.


    None other than the err field which will hold a dragon return code.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  17. DDGet

    type enum



    Sent by a client to a manager to get a value for a key.


    • uint32

    • The client id of the requesting client.

    • uint64

    • The checkpoint identifier for this operation.

    NOTE The key is written separately from the message using the fli api.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional request message fields.

    implementation(s): Python

  18. DDGetResponse

    type enum



    Provide the value for the associated key or an error code indicating what happened.


    None other than the err field which will hold a dragon return code.

    NOTE The value is written separately from the message using the fli api.

    see also


    Refer to the Common Fields section for additional response message fields.

    implementation(s): Python