Known Issues

For any issues you encounter, it is recommended that you run with a higher level of debug output. It is often possible to find the root cause of the problem in the output from the runtime. We also ask for any issues you wish to report that this output be included in the report. To learn more about how to enable higher levels of debug logging refer to Running Dragon .

  • If you want to use Dragon with an Anaconda distribution of Python, there will be libstdc++ ABI incompatibilities. A workaround is to move/rename [anaconda]/lib/* to a subdirectory or other name. The desired version of should come from GCC 9 or later.

  • Dragon Managed Memory, a low level component of the Dragon runtime, uses shared memory. It is possible with this pre-alpha release that things go wrong while the runtime is coming down and files are left in /dev/shm. It is good to check if files are left there if the runtime is killed or forced down without a clean exit. If multiprocessing features are used that are not yet fully supported, such as Pool, it is possible for Python processes to be left behind after the runtime exits.

  • It is possible for a user application or workflow to exhaust memory resources in Dragon Managed Memory without the runtime detecting it. Many allocation paths in the runtime use “blocking” allocations that include a timeout, but not all paths do this if the multiprocessing API in question doesn’t have timeout semantics on an operation. When this happens, you may observe what appears to be a hang. If this happens, try increasing the value of the DRAGON_DEFAULT_SEG_SZ environment variable to larger sizes (default is 4 GB, try increasing to 16 or 32 GB). Note this variable takes the number of bytes.

  • Python multiprocessing applications that switch between start methods may fail with this due to how Queue is being patched in. The issue will be addressed in a later update.

  • If there is a firewall blocking port 7575 between compute nodes, dragon will hang. You will need to specify a different port that is not blocked through the --port option to dragon. Additionally, if you specify --network-prefix and Dragon fails to find a match the runtime will hang during startup. Proper error handling of this case will come in a later release.

  • In the event your experiment goes awry, we provide a helper script, dragon-cleanup, to clean up any zombie processes and memory. The script dragon-cleanup is placed in the [dragon install dir]/bin and added to the $PATH environment variable after loading the Dragon module.